Wednesday, February 29, 2012

PopStuff Show Notes: Episode 45: Internet Friends: True or False ...

by Tracy V. Wilson |

I?ve returned from the vacation I took with my Internet friends and am back to doing show notes. Did you miss me? We put the idea for this subject on the big idea board pretty much when we started working on PopStuff. My vacation on the nerd boat just made it particularly apt timing, considering when we recorded it (right before) and when it published (right after).

  • Scholarship on Internet friendships is divided, for many many many reasons.
  • A lot of the scholarship is also kind of old, because it?s from the early flourishing of the Internet.
  • BBSs, dial-up modems and local phone calls
  • A brief survey of the prevailing theories dominating discussion of online friendships, as summarized in the paper ?Liberating or debilitating? An examination of romantic relationships, sexual relationships and friendships on the Net?
  • Whether you like people better more if you meet them in real life first vs. online first
  • The clarification I alluded to: In a study of two groups, one group met in real life first, and the other met online first. Then both groups met each other in person. The group who met online first liked one another better in both meetings than the people who met one another in person first.
  • I?m allegedly a robot
  • Attachment style (particularly fearful people and preoccupied people) and online relationships, and how that relates to self-esteem and how you perceive others
  • The general conclusion we reached: In spite of the disparities in the scholarship, we?re better off with the Internet for friendships than without it.
  • Listener mail! This is one of the many messages about Disney princesses. Holly is appropriately abashed over having left Pocahontas out of the ?real princess? roster.
  • ?What is friendship??

My research:

  • Bargh, John A. and Katelyn Y.A. McKenna. ?The Internet and Social Life.? Annual Review of Psychology. 2004.
  • Boase, Jeffrey and Barry Wellman. ?Personal Relationships: On and Off the Internet.? Cambridge University Press, 2005.
  • Coget, Jean-Francois et al. ?The Internet, Social Networks and Loneliness.? IT & Society. Vol. 1, Issue 1, Summer 2001.
  • McKenna, Katelyn Y.A. et al. ?Relationship Formation on the Internet: What?s the Big Attraction?? Journal of Social Issues. Vol. 58, No. 1, 2002.
  • Morahan-Martin, Janet. ?Loneliness and Social Uses of the Internet.? Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 19, 2003.
  • Whitty, Monica T. ?Liberating or debilitating? An examination of romantic relationships, sexual relationships and friendships on the Net.? Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 24, 2008.
  • Wolak, Janis et al. ?Close Online Relationships in a National Sample of Adolescents.? Adolescence. Vol. 37 No. 147, 2002.

Holly?s research:

Episode link: Internet Friends: True or False?

You can follow PopStuff on Twitter at @PopStuffHSW, and you can keep up with us on the official PopStuff Facebook page.

Tags: friendship, Internet, PopStuff Show Notes


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wyld About Books: BookDaily Genre Sampler: Sports and Recreation

Chapter One


I was born on May 10, 1930, with a bum leg, into a family broken beyond repair. My parents separated while I was still in my mother's womb, and from what I would gather later, it was just as well. They wanted no part of each other, or of me.

I'd entered the world with not only a "club foot" but with my entire right leg twisted backward. Despite this inauspicious beginning, my life soon turned around and I enjoyed a very blessed existence, at least from a certain male perspective. It might have been an entirely different sort of life had my guardians just given up and left my poor defective leg alone. That was definitely a consideration. In rural Lake City, Florida, treatment options were limited and risky at best. But Dr. Harry Bates, a general practitioner, offered to try a new procedure that involved breaking my tiny contorted leg, turning it around, and resetting it.

There wasn't much hope that I'd be able to walk normally, even if all went well. They expected my right leg would always be shorter than the left one. I'd likely have a limp for the rest of my life. Still, Dr. Bates said, if something was to be done, it had to be while my little bones were still malleable. So my mother, Cristelle, consented, and a few days later, in our town's modest Lake Shore Hospital, Dr. Bates went to work to straighten me out.

As my aunt and uncle later told me, they were very worried about the experimental procedure. Since I was still an infant, only time would tell whether the operation had been successful. I spent the first six weeks of my life in a cast.

When the cast finally came off, Dr. Bates was amazed; I had turned out better than he'd dreamed possible. With therapy and a little luck, the doctor said, it was possible that someday I might walk with only a slight limp. He doubted, however, that I'd ever be able to run or play sports.

Maybe it was the breakup of their marriage prior to my birth, or maybe it was the sight of my twisted leg after I was born-for whatever reason, my real mother and father never embraced me as their child. I had no bond with my father, George Allen Summerall, who was not much of a father even when he was around. My mother took care of me for my first three years, then announced one day that she could no longer handle the responsibility. Eager to get rid of me, she'd already made plans to take me to an orphanage. To my lasting gratitude, her sister and brother-in-law, Clarice and Floyd Kennon, stepped up and offered to take me into their family, which included a built-in brother, their son, Mike, who was not quite a year older than I.

Mike and I were close in age and size, and since the Kennons were Irish, our similarities inspired references to Pat 'n' Mike, the fictional buddies whose shenanigans-which often involved drinking-were the basis for a series of popular Irish jokes in that era. The result was that, although I was named George Allen Summerall at birth, I became forever known as "Pat." The name worked out well, and so did my patched-together family.

The Kennons provided a family for me so that I never really missed having my own. My mother remarried while I was still a toddler, and she and her new husband took me back for a while, but they fought and I didn't fit into their plans. I must have blocked out most memories of my time with them, though I do recall a couple of beatings with a water hose from my stepfather.

When it became clear that I could not stay in that household, my paternal grandmother and the Kennons agreed to share responsibility for raising me. I spent a lot of time playing with Mike and hanging out at the Kennons, but mostly I lived with my widowed grandmother, who poured her love into my sad and battered bucket.

She was a classic Southern lady with a classic Southern name, Augusta Georgia Summerall. My grandfather, Thomas Jefferson Summerall, had died years before, so Grandma, who had been around children most of her life as a teacher in a one-room schoolhouse, didn't mind sharing her one-bedroom house at the corner of Seventh and Duval streets with me. We also shared her only bed, sleeping side by side all through my grade-school and high-school years in Lake City.

Northern Florida was a wonderful place to grow up, surrounded by scores of springs and lakes and rivers and swamps and woods. Lake City was originally settled near a Seminole village with a name meaning "Alligator Town." It is still an Old Florida sort of town; its thick canopy of live oaks are draped in Spanish moss, and their swooping limbs make great climbing.

We were just thirty-five miles or so from the Georgia state line. Bordered by the Suwannee River in the north and the Santa Fe River in the south, Columbia County has been referred to as "South Georgia" because of its slow-moving and genteel Southern orientation. Both rivers provided a boy with great venues for canoeing, fishing, and exploring; the surrounding Osceola National Forest was a two-hundred-thousand-acre playground of pine woods, marshes, tropical "jungle," and cypress swamps.

I don't have any idea how old my grandmother was when she took me in. She always seemed very fragile to me. She was a gentle and kind person who mothered me without babying me. I was expected to do my share of household chores from an early age. I washed my own school clothes every night because I only had two decent shirts and two pair of school pants. It was also my job to keep the coals burning in the potbelly stove that warmed the house in those chilly North Florida winters.


I never knew my grandfather, but my grandmother often told me stories of him and other ancestors while we sat on the open front porch of her house, which served as my grandmother's neighborhood broadcast booth. I never got tired of her stories, which were frequently interrupted by greetings and conversations with people walking by. Everyone knew her as "Aunt Georgia."

These were the war years, so gas was rationed and people walked most places. It always struck me that nearly everyone who came by our house in Lake City-in fact, nearly everyone I knew-had not one but two surnames, such as Maggie Bell or Jimmy Charles.

When she wasn't chatting with passing neighbors, my grandmother would tell me the same stories about my grandfather or other ancestors over and over again without much variation, though I never grew tired of hearing them. She told me of her own childhood and memories from the Civil War era. Florida's biggest Civil War engagement, the battle of Olustee or the battle of Ocean Pond, took place just a few miles to the east. Nearly ten thousand Union and Confederate soldiers fought within just a few miles of where her family lived in the deep woods with only two other families nearby.

Since most of the men were called to war, my grandmother and her girlfriends would hide when Union soldiers came walking through. Some of the older, more aggressive women would hide in the brush, lure stragglers off the road, and then hit them over the head and steal their clothes and weapons. My grandfather, who was older than she, was captured by Yankees and imprisoned in Fort Delaware; he had to eat rats to stay alive until he became a trustee and got a job in the officers' mess hall. Then he'd steal food and hide it in the lining of his coat for himself and the other prisoners.

My grandmother's Civil War tales always mesmerized me. She'd also tell me stories of growing up in the woods with only a few other families nearby. She and her girlfriends would bathe in their old-fashioned swimsuits in a huge, hollowed-out log filled with rainwater because they had no plumbing.

My boyhood mirrored that of most Southern kids from families of limited means. My grandmother was a member of the First Methodist Church of Lake City, where I dutifully attended Sunday school until the seventh grade or so. I was supposed to attend church in high school but mostly I skipped out with friends and hit the soda fountains at the DeSoto Drug Store or the Lake City Pharmacy. The concept of God was at best an abstraction for me. Even when I did go to church, I remember wondering, What is this all this about? I wasn't an atheist, but faith and religion sounded like adult concepts to me. They just accounted for a very long hour or so once a week if I made it to the church at all.

By the time I got to high school, my grandmother did not have the strength to demand that I go to church. But she was a loving presence in my childhood. I grew up to the soft rhythms of her voice and to those on the radio of Fibber McGee and Molly, Amos 'n' Andy, and news and sports broadcasters from stations in Atlanta and across the Southeast. The military battles and bombs dropping in Germany, Japan, and Korea were not on my radar all that much. Like many boys my age, if I wasn't playing sports I was tuning in to a game on the radio. Even when I worked in the DeSoto Drug Store as an eighth grader, I gave most of my dusting attention to those shelves within earshot of the radio and whatever game was on.

My grandmother and I also listened to the radio as we shot marbles together on the rug. She had game, and she sometimes indulged my passion for sports in ingenious ways. She'd even haul an old straight chair off the porch, plant it in the front yard, and sit in it so we could play catch. I got to be pretty accurate throwing a baseball and football since Grandma didn't have a lot of range in that old chair. Most of the time, she'd flip or roll the ball back to me. So to practice my catching I'd find other kids, especially my cousin Mike, or I'd toss the ball up on the roof or against the house and let it bounce back. I'd do that for hour upon hour, yet Grandma never complained about the constant pounding against the house.


My love of sports must have been part of my genetic makeup-courtesy of my mother. My father disdained all sports as a waste of time and energy, but my mother was an athlete who played basketball in high school long before girls' sports received much attention.

Yes, as long as I was bouncing or throwing a ball, I was happy. By the time I started school, I'd forgotten that my right leg was supposed to keep me from running or playing sports. The other kids never knew it either, especially since I proved to be bigger, faster, and more agile than all of my classmates-most of the older kids, too.

Though I didn't play any organized sports until the seventh grade, I spent nearly every waking hour playing or practicing or reading about sports. I had a job delivering newspapers on my bike, but my customers often got their newspapers late because I'd get absorbed reading the sports pages when I was supposed to be folding my papers for delivery.

Oddly enough, I became an avid Yankees fan, which was an strange allegiance for a Florida cracker kid to form. But the Yankees made headlines and the radio news, so I knew the Bronx Bombers line-up forward and backward. I kept up with the exploits of Joltin' Joe DiMaggio and Phil Rizzuto until they both went off to war.

When I began my freshman year in the fall of 1944 at Lake City's Columbia High School, I was determined to play every team sport they offered. Since grade school I'd been following the high school's athletic program through every season, and I couldn't wait to be a Tiger. It's a good thing I made the freshman football team, because they would have had a hard time keeping me off the field if I hadn't. At first they put me at center, though I probably weighed all of 150 pounds in full pads and helmet. Eventually they saw that I had good speed and hands so they moved me to end, both on offense and defense.


I didn't really hit my stride as an athlete until my sophomore basketball season. I was growing fast, and for a while it seemed like I couldn't do much except stand around and watch. I was a little goofy, and I tended to be more of a spectator than a participant even when I was in the game.

The basketball coach, Jim Melton, jolted me out of my lethargic approach with a shot of tough love. He was already agitated because of a string of locker-room thefts, so when I walked into his office one day wearing a pair of gym shorts with another kid's name on them it set him off.

"Where did you get those shorts?" he demanded.

I told him I'd found them on the floor. That earned me a slap in the chops.

"Get those shorts off, Summerall," he said. "And while you're here, I wanna talk to you about something else. You're the tallest guy I've got, and all you do is pass the ball and stand around. I need somebody who can shoot the ball and stick it in the hole-and I need somebody to start getting rebounds. Step up your intensity and change your attitude, or you'll spend every game on the bench."

That brief moment would probably result in school board hearings and lawsuits today. But with that single slap and a few sharp words, Coach Melton turned a spectator into a player. I went from being passive to demanding the ball and controlling the game. It was as if Coach Melton had flipped a switch that connected my love and knowledge of sports with my natural instincts as an athlete. It had seemed like I didn't know what to do with myself before our little talk. After his wake-up call, things began clicking for me, and my confidence grew almost as rapidly as my body.


During my freshman and sophomore years of high school I concentrated on team sports in school, but a sports sideline that I picked up in the neighborhood also helped my athletic development. Tennis wasn't exactly the game of choice for most poor, small-town Southern kids back then, but my grandmother's house was close to Young's Park, the town's only public park. It had two tennis courts, and when I was about ten years old and bored with bouncing the ball off the house, I started wandering over there to watch people playing tennis.

It wasn't a big sport around town-mostly older guys trying to get some exercise. Sometimes they'd show up alone, hoping to find someone to hit balls with them, and I'd come running out of the house to volunteer. Usually I had to borrow a racket. The high school didn't even have a team, and there were only a couple of other kids who could hit the ball over the net with any regularity. But it was a sport and it involved a ball, so I was up for it.

If I wasn't playing sports I was reading about them in the newspapers or listening to them on the radio, so I picked up some knowledge of tennis that way, too. I read about Don Budge and Bobby Riggs and other top players of the day, and I checked out books on tennis at the library to learn the finer points. I tried to drag my cousin Mike onto the tennis court, but he wasn't interested. So I played the older guys and gave them all they could handle; I was speedy and I had a strong serve. My junior year I got to be so good that my school entered me as their sole participant in the conference tournament. I was paired against guys who had played the game much longer than I, but I breezed through the tournament anyway.

There wasn't much tennis competition in northern Florida. Most of the higher-ranked players in my region were much smaller than I, and not especially quick. The bigger, faster kids generally stuck with the major sports where there was more glory. I played every sport I could; if I'd had a pony I probably would have tried polo and steeplechase, too.


I was so competitive and focused on sports that, after winning the conference title, I hitchhiked 360 miles to the state tennis tournament in Fort Lauderdale. Everybody thought I was nuts for even going because there were a lot of serious tennis players in southern Florida, but I was determined to go. There was no school bus to take me, and my grandmother couldn't drive me, so I packed up my stuff and stuck out my thumb with a tennis racquet tucked under my arm. Hitchhiking was more common in those days of gas shortages and fewer cars. People were also more willing to pick up hitchhikers, which was a good thing for me. I managed to get rides quickly, and a couple of the drivers even fed me, too.



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Monday, February 27, 2012

Alfalfa Studio: Graphic Design, Branding, Web Design and Visual ...

Sam Richwood

I envy people who demonstrate many talents, especially when those are expressed tastefully. Apart from envy, I also admire people who seem to produce a lot of skillful art and design pieces, while incorporating different techniques into their work. More than anything, I like to see a variety. As if directly touched by factors such as style and taste, the reason we are often able to recognize the person standing behind a given piece is monotonousness. That is, of course, not to say boredom, but rather an authentic seal or an aesthetic fingerprint that gives a piece its character, climax, and sometimes inferiority. Sam Richwood strikes me as the kind of artist that one day many will look up to.

Zenes and books as well. Richwood

As if drawing isn?t difficult enough on its own, Richwood proves that the labor doesn?t end with a piece of stretched canvas (let alone a sketchpad). He has ventured into illustration, painting, book and zine making, printmaking, and I?m sure there is more to come. His work has a luminous quality; as if you view it through well-scrubbed glass. Moreover, his ability to use color to create light is impressive. I am a little perplexed as to the classification of his work; while it is certainly not realistic or classical, respected artists try and would die to have a piece of the vitality he brings to his work.

Let there be light.

The return of customization into the design world brought with it a multitude of buried treasures. Amongst the more obvious things, such as luxury goods and fashion, formats and practices we thought had been forgotten are once again coveted. Examples include books, handmade and one-of-a-kind products. Art is the one thing that has remained in demand throughout history, be it in the beautiful book form Richwood shares on his website, or in the thrilling paintings and drawings he will be famous for in time. Visit his site here.

Silk Screen


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A Friendly Neighbor At Your Service | Business or Hobby?

These days, you can find a company and website for any situation, from the stickiest ones all the way through how to create the perfect marriage proposal. Step into cyberspace focused and looking for one thing, and you run the risk of returning with millions of websites, all lacking what you originally were searching for.

Financial advice can be especially tough to find on the internet. Looking for high quality, reliable, and dependable financial advice ?seemingly requires you to jump through loops, double check your facts, and even try your luck when not completely sure.

So what?s the point of going through all that trouble when you can use help you navigate through your financial woes and worries. was created to help families and other individuals sift through much of the complicated vocabulary and mathematics involved in finance to get back to the basics of saving.

With a few simple philosophies, reminds the consumer of the simple tenets of finance: don?t spend more than you make, put away some of your income in savings, and move as far away from debt as possible. Simple, right?

Using this conservative method to approach finance and the problems associated with it, is not just a compilation of financial advice. It is a user friendly, completely accessible source of financial information, something anyone can appreciate in a world with too many options.

Add to this archive of financial information a collection of coupon codes for the user to download and blog posts containing career information as well, and provides more than just financial advice. Posts ranging from past jobs of the creator, John, to what?s up and coming in the market these days, frugaldad brings more to the consumer than just financial advice.

Just like the next door neighbor willing to lend a helping hand, is one of the best resources for finding simplified and concise information concerning financial situations. Listed in many top publications such as the NY Times, Business Insider, and Business Week, provides well rounded information for the average joe in search of help concerning not only financial situations, but giving out coupon codes to major businesses and giving daily tips regarding finance and career moves in their blog posts. is more than helpful when it comes to financial and career advice, lending a simple hand to those in need of help.


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Energy Efficiency Enhancing Home Improvement Projects | Ginsegli ...

Guest Blogging Success ? How with Find the Right Blog with Post

We know you want to have greater home improvement, and what business on the net would not? First, remember you will need to research and plan well in advance to avoid costly mistakes. How well you understand the people in your particular niche is critical, and it seems to us, based on observation, that lots of marketers have no clue about it. The success of all your marketing and advertising rests on the degree of knowledge you have about your target. But overall your marketing machine can become highly targeted and operate with purpose. There really are no two ways about this; you must take your cues from what is known and use it skillfully. Critical things like establishing rapport will simply not be possible until they believe you are one of them to some extent.

Creating and publishing guest posts on alternative blogs inside of your niche is regarded as the number one techniques with get certainly targeted traffic. Every single top notch blogger understands the value held in guest blogging and that is why there are them trading posts all the time. It doesn?t matter which niche you?ve selected for your blog, guest blogging offers you the chance with gain lots of relevant exposure and with build an incredibly strong brand.

But when we talk about guest blogging, there?s one factor that is normally ignored, and that is the selection of the blog. That?s right: choosing the appropriate blog for the submission of the posts is rather important. In the following paragraph we will teach you a few of the most effective techniques with select and ferret out the blogs that will function ideal for your submissions.

Perhaps the initially thing that you are going with notice the very first time that you see a blog is its design and after that you are going with pay attention with the content. When a blog looks specialist it is very going to feel better and this is anything that you require to remember when you?re striving to obtain the number one blog for your guest posts.

You do not like to spend lots of time working on a guest post and then submit it with a blog that looks bad. The blog could have a presentable design and it demands to be eye catching thus that it will get the ideal types of attention. And, beyond that, do you certainly think it is very a wise decision with associate yourself with a blog that doesn?t appear specialist? Your guest blogging efforts will go further in the event you create relationships with bloggers before sending them your content. Doing this makes it much simpler with discuss the possibility of being a guest poster. The blog owner will be more inclined with publish your blog post if he knows who you?re. Relationships are the basis for most business transactions, and this applies with blogs as much as anything else. As you build strong relationships with blog owners, it will no longer be a struggle for you to obtain blogs who are prepared with publish your posts. We tend to feel that anytime people are too hasty to consider using new approaches or ideas in their business that they are basically not allowing for maximum growth and revenue. You probably know that a great many will overlook or ignore this encouragement, but all that matters is what you will do or are willing to do. A great many people are far too cynical and skeptical about online marketing methods and maybe even Efficient ? we do not know. Yet, as individuals, we do have our preferences even if they can be based on what is not ideal, etc.

But the thing is, once you have been burned a few times you start to wake up. There really are a lot of people, we assume based on what we have read, who just blindly buy things they think will work great and maybe never even try them. If you are past that stage, then chances are excellent you are good to go and will be fine. We are not worried about what we are telling you about today, but since you do not know us ? then that means you have to verify everything. One thing that will happen on its own is that if you stay in this long enough, then you will have to do these things just to survive.

Once you identify potential blogs, you?ll have a list in front of you that you can segregate later on. While you need to consider every blog that?s a possibility, you will not like to contact all of them. Having a list of possible blogs is a advantageous initially step in the procedure. This will keep you grounded and let you with identify the blogs that you can partner with. As you go about your analysis in a step-by-step manner, you?ll develop your effective way of acquiring the number one blogs.

Guest blogging is regarded as the number one techniques of gaining more exposure and building a brand that will help you raise your blog about a modern level. However, all you?ll do is waste your rather valuable time in the event you do not ensure with take some care while choosing the blogs that you need to submit your function with. It is significant that you don?t just focus on creating guest posts and on acquiring the appropriate blogs with which with partner up. All of the may sound complicated at initially, but when you actually start putting in the effort, you?ll see for yourself how simple and convenient it is very. Go ahead and put these strategies with function thus that you can discover a blog that is truly worth working with.

Lots of marketing methods are evergreen and Individuals is one of them, but there is a reason some of those methods have worked so well over the years. When you are receptive to all things in your business and how you approach it, then that will open your eyes. Not everybody has the kind of mind that lets them learn new things, and you have to make an honest assessment about your self about that. What did you think about this article and the methods discussed? Can they be used in your online business in any form whatsoever? Will you take action to find out? Right now, if you are a beginner, then you do not have all you need to start because we did not give it to you ? not enough room to do that. Once you are feeling confident, then either put it to practice or roll it out incrementally.

The fun part is when you are ready to go because the anticipation for adding another successful marketing avenue is always a great thing.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged home, loan home improvement, projects. Bookmark the permalink.


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Overview Of Blood Tests Just For STD ? Rich Roots

Individuals that are sexually active with multiple partners might be in danger of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). STDs could display mild or even no signs, still could critically affect a person's health and fitness. As a result, regular STD examination is necessary for the good health of those who are sexually active with multiple partners .

There are many unique ways to screen for sexually transmitted diseases. Many STD testing DC need a blood analyze. Several sexually transmitted illnesses that need the blood test for diagnosis include syphilis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, hepatitis as well as herpes. Sexually transmitted disease testing for other diseases, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and also Warts, is performed with a urine check or maybe genital tissue sample.

The blood test intended for sexually transmitted illness testing is conducted at a healthcare clinic. A physician gets a blood sample from the patient, and sends it to a laboratory to be assessed. For herpes diagnosis, the blood examination is not always conclusive; additional testing might be required. When a person's blood test comes back positive for a sexually transmitted disease, the individual must stick to the medical professional's recommendations for treatment procedure and also tell her or his sexual companions.


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Considerable Information to Start Home Improvement 101 ...

Deciding what to do next when improving your home will take work. But it can be challenging and fun ? it should be enjoyed because you are increasing your assets. Adding something new to your home can be good for your whole family, so maybe you could base your project on doing that. Or, you could add to your quality of life by doing something that?ll greatly benefit you every day. Everything should be planned, right down to the very last detail, to make sure your project is a success, regardless of what you?re going to do. This is the smart approach because it can help prevent frustration and keep things going smoothly.

Real Estate Books is an area that is just filled with helpful details, as you just have read. It?s important to stick within a budget when doing any sort of project, so keep this in mind. Sometimes the news covers stories where the government has projects that cost more than the allocated budget. Preventing this from happening on a smaller scale is crucial. Proper planning will make it easier to do this, so make sure you plan each step. Simply sit down and map out what you want to do. What is the goal of your project? The next thing you need to do is produce a list of things you need. There are loads of resources to help you do this. Lastly you must work out how much each thing will cost. The costs that you assign to everything should be very accurate to ensure you get an accurate figure for your budget at the end.

Your home improvement project will fail unless you have the correct equipment. When you?re working you will most likely stop and look for a piece of equipment that you don?t have. We know you will try to make do without it, or work with some other tool that looks like it will work. Most people try and do this, I have certainly done it before! You will be better off in the end by just purchasing the required tools rather than making do with what you have. You will be assured of completing the job properly when you do it with the right tools. Trust me on this.

Now we will show you a simple home enhancement activity that does not take a long time. Determine and label all of the water openings and electric circuit breakers in your home. You can still do the same if your residence has fuses in place of the circuit breakers. You will be able to act fast in an emergency that involves your electrical system or water if there is an emergency, this is why we do this. Should a pipe burst, there is no question where to go to find the crack and keep the water from flowing.

Assuming you had a bad situation with the electricity and you needed to know exactly where it was, you would realize the right fuse to pull or circuit breaker to open. These are wise procedures that can lessen the potential damage to your residence.

No matter what you?re doing, it will be easy to find information and be prepared for the home improvement project that you are planning. Be sure to have your plans in order before you begin any type of project.


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How I Spent My Shower Vacation: Part One | The Waiting

Last Friday I left Fayetteville for my baby shower weekend in Memphis. So as not to attract too much attention to my very pregnant belly, I clad myself in billowy scarves and jackets and ? hurrah! ? no one commented on my state at the airport. Honestly, I don?t think I fooled anyone, and you?ll see why later in the post when you see pictures of my bump at the shower*. But both of my flights were so short (only about 45 minutes apiece) that it probably wasn?t worth it to the airlines to get too nervous about me pumping out a baby on their tiny regional aircrafts. So crisis ? err, minor annoyance ? averted.

*Dear Lord, she just used the word ?bump? to describe her physique. What is the world coming to? I apologize and swear that I won?t be abdicating my blog for a stint at Us Weekly anytime soon.

Jerry likes to sit on tables to remind us occasionally that he is a dog, contrary to popular belief.

The next day brought the shower. I actually got a decent amount of sleep the night before because when I got to my mom?s house on Friday night, we watched TV in her bed and I completely conked out there. Her little dog Jerry (we use the term ?dog? very?loosely because Jerry is indeed a little man) wedged himself between us and his breathing served as a nice substitute for the calming tones of Sleep Sheep. You?ll recall that leaving Sleep Sheep with Ben during my trip was a major point of concern, but as usual Jerry came to the rescue.

So I awoke as refreshed as I could be for the day. I was a little sad when my Aunt Janice called to say that she couldn?t make it because she woke up with a really bad cold that morning and didn?t want to?contaminate?me, but one thing I?ve learned from life in general is not to work myself up too much over disappointments, no matter how large or small they may be. Very few things are ever really as bad as they seem at the time. I love my aunt and I?ll see her again.

My mom and I loaded into the car and headed over to the lovely home of Mary Beth, my besfrinn Cameron?s mom who generously opened her gorgeous home for our soiree. This place makes me so happy I can?t even stand it. Not only is it an amazing space because of the time and creative energy Mary Beth and Cameron?s dad David have put into it, but it is always filled with love and warmth. I equate it with genuine love and relaxed hospitality, also the hallmarks of their family. Mary Beth?s sister Ellen also made the trip from North Carolina to join the shower, so her?presence there made it extra special.

Ellen and Mary Beth, our hostesses for the day

The food was fan-tas-tic. This really was no surprise to me, though, because Cameron is herself quite a gourmet and she gets it from her family, who were incidentally the people who converted me to Indian food years ago. My multi-talented friend Melissa made some wonderful punch that I wouldn?t mind having on an IV drip if it ever comes to that. The pentacle of deliciousness at the party was the grasshopper cake: chocolate with minty icing. Yeah, SO GOOD.

Om Nom Nom

I love my friends for about a gazillion reasons, and they found yet another way to endear themselves to me at the shower by choosing games that were neither gross (ie, putting smashed up chocolate bars in diapers) nor embarrassing to me (making guests guess the diameter of my midsection). My old friends from college Melissa and Emily choose fun games that I LOVED, especially the one where guests were instructed to put a paper plate on their heads and draw a portrait of Bebe.

Plate Heads

The one that ended up winning was the portrait on the right, featuring what appears to be Bebe in the middle of a heave. Pretty accurate, no?

Gamemaster Emily shows off the finalists.

Needless to say, Bebe is now fully-equipped to enter the world due to the generosity of my family and friends. She now officially has more clothes than B and if things continue at the rate that they seem to be going, soon she?ll have more than me, too. Lucky gal! Seriously, she got a pair of Toms. TOMS. I want Toms, too!

For my cool, hipster philanthropist baby

A little embarrassed for not knowing what the heck this thing is

I am clearly not an active parent, though, given the fact that I didn?t even know what several of the items that were gifted to us even were. I opened the Bumbo seat which I have since been instructed helps the baby learn to sit up properly, and announced, ?Yay! A toilet seat for the baby!? Everyone quickly and worriedly corrected my gaff as if I were ready to set the baby up and let her poop in it right then and there. I have a lot to learn.

Luckily, there were a *couple* of recognizable items. Namely, the beautifully smocked dresses and collars my mom made for me nearly thirty years ago and has saved for our Bebe. She brought a beautiful pink dress and some collars to the shower, but it?s just a sampling of the myriad of truly stunning clothing she made for my brother and me back when we were small and will soon be passing to Bebe. Seriously, folks, I can?t begin to describe what a treasure these items are.

So, yeah, it was an awesome shower. I think that?s pretty obvious. My friends and family made it exactly as I would have hoped it would be. They understood when I started zoning out near the end, in need of a substantial nap. Now THAT is love!

Aunt Patrice, my MIL Sidney, me, and my Mom

Gotta be honest, though, and say that the icing on the cake for the day was having besfrinn Cameron at the shower. If you follow my blog with any regularity, you know that she?s the sister I never had and I love her like mad. If Miss Bebe is anything like her Aunt Cameron, I can assure you that all will be right with the world.


Stay tuned for Part Two. Let?s just say that the weekend certainly took an unexpected turn the next day. And no, I DID NOT go into labor. Geez, guys, trust me, you?d know if that happened!


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Friday, February 24, 2012

Maryland lawmakers pass gay marriage bill

By staff and news services

State senators approved a gay marriage bill 25-22 Thursday, moving Maryland closer to becoming the eighth state in the U.S. to legalize same-sex marriages.

Gay marriage opponents in the Senate unsuccessfully attempted to attach amendments to the House bill, which could have effectively killed it, WBALTV reported.

The House of Delegates approved the bill by a narrow 72-67 vote last week, WBAL reported.

Gov. Martin O?Malley worked closely with House Democratic leaders to secure the votes needed for passage, The Baltimore Sun reported.

O?Malley released a statement Thursday, thanking Senate President Mike Miller for his efforts in getting the bill passed. ?All children deserve the opportunity to live in a loving, caring committed, and stable home, protected equally by the law,? the statement said.

Opponents have vowed to bring the measure to referendum in November. They will need to gather at least 55,726 valid signatures of Maryland voters to put it on the ballot and can begin collecting names now that the bill has passed both chambers, the Associated Press reports.

Recent polls have shown that Marylanders are evenly split on the issue, the Sun reported.

Last week, the Washington governor signed a gay marriage bill into law. That law could also be challenged in a November referendum if opponents gather enough signatures.

Also last week, the New Jersey legislature approved a same-sex marriage bill, but Gov. Chris Christie vetoed the measure.

More content from and NBC News



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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting an Auto Loan After Personal bankruptcy Relieve ? Let me ...

Individuals file for bankruptcy for a lot of several causes. Individual bankruptcy need to be a last hotel, but you?ll find scenarios in which there won?t be any other alternatives. Individual bankruptcy uses a substantial toll on fico scores. You?ll be able to right away range from owning terrific credit history to having the most severe credit history. This will make it much harder to receive personal loans. Nevertheless, lifetime continues, and the call to get car finance may ultimately come up. Exactly how do you set about finding car finance after individual bankruptcy relieve?

Perfectly, what is important to do is cash advance work with gathering your credit history. This is achieved by cautious investing, and settling any charges in time. Unfortunately, gathering your credit history takes time. If you would like car finance after individual bankruptcy relieve immediately, there are many solutions.

Numerous automobile car dealerships offer personal loans to those with below-average credit. These plans have boundaries, while. You simply will not get as much income, it?ll have a greater rate, and will also be instructed to present facts you can pay it back. Most automobile car dealerships will work to you, while. Reveal your needs, and you can commonly walk out of which has a bank loan that online loans for people with bad credit available for you.

Even with below-average credit from a individual bankruptcy relieve, you?ll be able to still get car finance. This will be significant, since you will never know when you might need to obtain a bank loan. Reducing car finance after individual bankruptcy relieve in time is necessary, since it will add to your credit standing. Whenever you get your credit rating support, you could be pisanie prac magisterskich for a lot better personal loans. Individual bankruptcy challenging, but it is possible to recover. They devote some time, but if you?re encouraged, you can obtain again on your toes following years.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Our Birth Control Undermines Amphibians

60-Second Science60-Second Science | More Science

Human oral contraceptives that find their way back into the environment might be having an effect on frog mating. Christopher Intagliata reports.

More 60-Second Science

The most common types of ingested birth control contain estrogen. But the hormone doesn?t just prevent human babies. It may be lowering numbers of frog babies, too. Because estrogens can travel unaltered through a woman?s system, and back into the environment?where they interfere with the courtship of frogs.

Researchers bathed male frogs in tanks containing various concentrations of estrogen?comparable to levels previously measured in nature. And they found that males exposed to estrogen made significantly fewer ?advertisement? calls: mating calls that say ?hey ladies, I?m over here.? Instead, the frogs made more so-called ?rasping? calls: a sign the boys weren?t as turned on as they used to be.

As it turns out, neither were the ladies. Because when researchers played back estrogen-influenced calls to females, the lady frogs weren?t as hot to hop, compared to when they heard the crooning of control frogs. Those findings appear in the journal Public Library of Science ONE. [Frauke Hoffmann & Werner Kloas, Estrogens Can Disrupt Amphibian Mating Behavior]

The authors say less seductive mating calls could mean fewer tadpoles. Which means our sex lives could be partly to blame for making global populations of amphibians croak.

?Christopher Intagliata

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast]


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Look For Different The Game Console . Prior To Getting A Classic ...

Various purpose of this Natal is to enhance the existing of this 360. Actually ,, it?s function will be to remodel this 360 promptly into very nearly some over-all over-all really unique practice utilizing its own personal really unique part of Natal titles. The main approach which Ms will widen most of the sector and develop xbox 720 unique video games will be to complete a spanking unique practice, precisely what these could has been merely enhance the gift 1

Being a unique process, this Xbox 720 Natal will offer it?s quite own personal high quality of video games divide with the recreation controller helpful video games. For Xbox 720 correct, you can check out there various guidelines how to mend any recreation gaming console and different ways and alternatives for any Xbox 720 correct. People all over the entire world expect the popular Xbox 720 Natal Challenge lost out there by just E3 06 very first of 2010 Its precious time which Ms outshines the Nintendos Wii and starts off including the authentic game enthusiasts being a part of the action. Challenge Natal and also the things have been nicknamed this 360 Expertise, will be an via the internet structure add-on that can allow the gamers to make sure you carry out the video gaming utilizing virtually no controllers. The things places the following independent of the Wii is constantly of the fact that Natal is not going to include things like by any means people To create any specific recreation, every youve to carry out is usually endure in-front of this high definition photographic cameras and gift earnings shape start looking of by yourself in order that the Natal could have a second to make sure you run over all by yourself. Following, the whole person is newly designed and created on to the action in order that the digicam documents versions any specific force. Simply as a result of thinking about a person in the beginning, this Xbox 720 Natal can even notify any gender selection just through our bodies shape, look of your hair and confront components

Various purpose of this Natal is to enhance the existing of this 360. Actually ,, it?s function will be to remodel this 360 promptly into very nearly some over-all over-all really unique practice utilizing its own personal really unique part of Natal titles. The main approach which Ms will widen most of the sector and develop spanking unique video games will be to complete a spanking unique practice, precisely what these could has been merely enhance the gift 1.

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Europe seals new Greek bailout to avert default (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - Euro zone finance ministers sealed a 130-billion-euro ($172 billion) bailout for Greece on Tuesday to avert a chaotic default next month after forcing Athens to commit to unpopular cuts and private bondholders to accept deeper losses.


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Factors To Consider Before Buying Patio ... - Home Improvement Idea

by Home on Monday, February 20th, 2012 | Comments Off

Having a patio is in itself rewarding since it is a place where you can normally find the comfort in having a cool and relaxing feeling. When you have patio furniture that is well-crafted and elegantly designed you will surely find it more favourable to stay outdoors. There are quite a number of companies that manufactures patio furniture and umbrella. However, not all of them actually crafts their products using good quality materials and with excellent craftsmanship.

Poolsaboveground is a company that produces above the ground pools as well as equipment and patio furniture. The Patio umbrellas manufactured by the company are one of the top-selling patio furniture that is highly favoured by a lot of consumers. The beautiful Santorini Cantilever umbrella for example features a type of patio furniture that is made with strength and quality. It is too easy to install and to operate that anyone can do it. There is a wind vent at the top of the square canopy which allows the air to freely flow and prevents the umbrella from inverting especially when the weather condition is windy. The pole that supports the umbrella is made of rugged anodized aluminium and has an integral crank so that the owner can easily make adjustments in raising or lowering the canopy. There are different shades to choose from so that you can make the umbrella go along well with the style and color of areas in your patio.

Aside from the square-shaped patio umbrella there is also an octagon cantiliever umbrella that can be opened or close with one finger. Owners won?t have to struggle in pulling cords just to install or operate the umbrella. The patio umbrellas and furniture are backed with 30-days warranty so you can make sure that the money you spend on in buying the umbrella will not be put to waste in case the color fades or something goes wrong with the product. The Vega umbrella light on the other hand is an add -on that can be extremely useful during evenings. This product is designed to be easily adjustable to fit the umbrella pole and is powered by long lasting ED lights.

The pool box offered by the company is made of durable resins that can withstand the heat of the sun and other climate changes while keeping the stored materials in good condition inside the box. It is easy to assemble, to use and move anywhere in the patio.


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View as well as study Data In relation to ENT | Articles @ Redbright

It is pretty incredible how much of a difference audiologist can have, of course you have to consider certain factors.

So it is not unusual to find yourself doing a lot of investigation and decision making. If you mistakenly overlook something, the outcomes can be unpleasant, to say the least.

It is only soon after looking at all that is on the table will you be in a strong position to make your move. The bottom line is you need to know the following about this topic so you will make an informed decision.

The Harry Lorayne Memory Power course is known as a training program put together by one of the world?s best known memory experts. ?The Secrets of Mind Power?, was authored in 1958 and turned out to be a New York Times top pick. It was mentioned by Bob Dylan as a book he studied just before he broke through on the music scene. With this assessment, we?ll be taking a look at a complete memory course that includes many of his most powerful techniques.

There is not one person more experienced to teach you about memory than Harry Lorayne. He?s been showcased in numerous magazines and has appeared on TV shows such as The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Actor Victor Jory, who came to Lorayne?s magic concerts, was important in changing the way Lorayne performed. For a period, beginning in 1951, he enjoyed his own television show, and began performing on national television in 1963. The Memory Book: The Classic Guide to Improving Your Memory at Work, at School, and at Play, released along with Jerry Lucas in 1986, enjoyed one year on the New York Times Bestseller list. He is also an established magician, primarily with card tricks, and has written many books on the subject. His own tv show in 1951 was named ?The Professional Magic Show.? He?s provided countless amazing presentations, such as hearing the names of hundreds of audience participants and then being able to remember each one perfectly. In the Harry Lorayne Memory Power course, you can learn some of the techniques used by the best known memory expert in the world.

The quantity of information you can expect to receive in The Harry Lorayne Memory Power course is astonishing and will very effectively help you improve your memory. As a matter of fact, you could possibly get a lot more material than you can ever hope to use ? or need. This all-encompassing training course is made up of four (4) compact discs or audio cassettes and a bonus DVD that teaches you all about Remembering Name, all for the low price of $149.95. This really is an amazing price contemplating the amount of information and training you will receive. Also, additionally, you receive a bonus DVD referred to as How to Remember Numbers and another CD or audio cassette called The Memory Makes Millionaires. It may not be useful for you to grab the full course,because your needs are less. If so, Harry Lorayne has created many books that can assist you with your memory. The courses can be purchased many places, on the internet and offline. Amazon features them and even offers used copies and different editions, together with some for the Kindle.

These few things to consider will make a difference in your information as they relate to audiologist. There is a tremendous amount you truly should take the time to know about. However, you will discover them to be of great utility in your research for information. It should not need to be said that you must perform closer examination of all pertinent points. So we will provide you with a few more important ideas to think about.

The entire memory program, however, is definitely worth every penny for anyone who?s serious about learning as much as possible about this fascinating topic.

Harry Lorayne taught a number of people and is also responsible for the training of corporate staff members, using his video course, ?Memory Power? as part of that training program. Business executives, along with businessmen and women, have long realized how important a good memory is, especially for someone engaged in sales. If you have the ability of always recollecting a person?s name ? after meeting them only one time ? it will greatly enhance your business success and popularity. Think about it: whenever you meet a person who remembers not only your name, your spouse?s name, your phone number, and other bits and pieces of personal information, you are fascinated, and are more likely to do business with this person. Do you really depend on your mobile phone, iPad, or other technological devices to make notes when you?ve just met someone new, or finished with an important meeting? What would you do if, out of the blue, that piece of technology was not available? Would you effortlessly remember the most rudimentary things about this important person you just met?

When you do some searching online, or at Barnes & Noble, you will find a plethora of books and courses on self-improvement. It boggles your mind how many are available. Even so, what you won?t find are a lot of programs that focus on improving your memory. And, when you do locate books and/or courses on training your memory, they have not been written or prepared by someone with the reputation and expertise of Harry Lorayne. The Harry Lorayne Memory Power system isn?t really for everybody, but it?s certainly worth purchasing if you?re seriously interested in making significant improvements in your ability to remember names, numbers and other important information.

We know how hard it can be to audiologist unless you know the right way to audiologist. Here is how to conquer the hardships caused by ENT, today.


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Monday, February 20, 2012

What are good fish as pets for fish beginners? - Pet care and feed

all fish are supposed to live at leastt 3+ years, they only live for a few months with some people because they dont know how to take care of them. Just do proper research on google about the fish species you want (it will take 20 minutes max) and they will live for many years. whatever you do, do NOT go in the petstore without having a fish in mind and choose a random fish you like and have no idea how to care for, freshwater is easier to take care of compared to saltwater. i think something to do with bettas would be a good fit with you. you could get a 10 gallon tank and a single male betta and 4 female platies. platies come in different colors, so you can choose when you get to the store, but just do some research on platies beforehand. Also if you choose this tank when looking through the betta try to choose the one with the most 'laid back' personality. I know it might sound silly but to figure that out take the betta and put it next to other bettas/the large tanks with different fish in them. The less reaction, the better. here is a video of a betta and platy tank: smaller fish are tetras?i suggest not getting them because i had them with my betta in a 10 gallon and they kept nipping at his fins. The platies are the bigger orange ones. You could also do a female betta sorority. You can have up to 6 individual female bettas (the females have shorter fins and are typically smaller than the males) in a 10 gallon tank. Again, try to get ones with the most 'laid back' personality. Females can live together unlike males because they are slightly less aggressive and wont fight to the death. However, they WILL have tiny fights. The first week they will establish dominance?each of them will be fighting to be the alpha fish. It will look bad when they are fighting but its natural. They will occasionally nip at eachother to establish dominance but its not too bad. NEVER put less than 4 together. If you put 2 together they will fight eachother, if you put 3 it will be 2 against 1 and then the remaining 2 will kill eachother. It sounds stressful but in the end it is very rewarding to see them interact with eachother. Bettas are very loving fish towards their owners. Some say they have dog like qualities. Here is a video of a sorority tank: some research on sorority tanks too if you decide to take this could also just go with platies. They are schooling fish so they will usually be together. You can either get around 7-8 females or you can get 2 females and 1 male and have them reproduce. However, they dont stop reproducing so your tank will be overstocked and you will have to get rid of some of them. If you choose to get 7-8 females make SURE they are females. Pet store employees generally have no idea what they are doing, and they may just give you male platies even if you ask for females (If you get only males they will fight constantly..that happened to me. from the day i got them to the day i took them back 2 weeks later they fought all the time except when they were eating. it was stressful to watch) check to make sure they are females after they put them in the bag. females have a rounder fin at the bottom and males have a more pointed fin. here is a picture: you get a male and female make sure for every male there are 2 females. if you get 1 male and 1 female the male will harass it to death. here is a video of a platy tank:**Keep in mind that with tanks with lots of fish there is a chance they can get disease. You will have to have many different types of medicines on hand in case an outbreak occurs (and it will if you have alot of fish in 1 tank) so you can immediately treat them and they wont die. Fish also might be sick at the petstore, i got platies and they had an extremely contagious and deadly disease called cotton mouth and i had to remove my betta so he wouldnt catch it and as soon as i treated them for that they got a disease called ich and im still treating them for that and my betta is still seperated. Its very stressful, so if you arent ready for that just get a 5 gallon tank with a betta.if you dont like any of these google fish you can put in a 10 gallon tank. if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me, good luck! :) Edited 10 months ago Thank you for your help!


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[unable to retrieve full-text content] - Spoiler Alert: This story contains plot details from the film "Midnight in Paris," including its ending.


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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Video: Solar tornadoes on sun's surface

Funnels of dark plasma hundreds of thousands of miles long were made visible by the Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

>>> a satellite that keeps an eye on the sun for all of us here on earth has sent back some extraordinary images of sun tornados. the visible churning funnels are dark. they're made of plasma. each one is hundreds of thousands of miles long. the solar dynamics observatory satellite, which captured these images, has been up there watching the sun for the past two years.


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Register Domain Name for a Successful Online Business

Published by Albertson | February 17, 2012 | | 17

With the number of websites present on the web, it has become important to create a unique presence in order to grab maximum attention of the targeted customers. Along with various factors such as creating user friendly website, promoting it, make it simple yet attractive, one more feature that is essential to beat your competitors is to register domain names for your site. These names have to be unique and should be related directly to your products and services so that they can be located by the major search engines easily.

Some major ways that will help you to register a reasonably priced domain name are:

Find a unique website address

By unique, we do not mean out of context. A unique domain name should be related to the products and services provided by the company. Appropriate domain search is also important to make maximum profits.

After finding an appropriate domain name and opening the website, it is important to search for a reputed website that can help your find out the domain name register company. For this, the business owner or the entrepreneur must look for a website that allows them to use their suffix along with their website name.

Pay a Reasonable Amount

To register domain name, it is important to search for a site that provides registration at reasonable prices and along with other facilities such as easy domain management tools, free web hosting and likewise. There are a lot of companies online that provide domain name registration to a large number of entrepreneurs in order to make them successful. One can choose such companies at a certain cost or absolutely free. ?

To register domain names one needs to search for the right domain registration provider that can help you to get a unique name for your website. There are a lot of companies that provide free web hosting along with domain names so that you can get maximum benefit. One can also look for a company to register domain name at very low cost and host them without advertising other products.

It is also important make a domain search and register for a name as early as possibly because there are a lot of entrepreneurs that sell same product or service and are looking out for the most searched out domain name.? A registered domain name can help you succeed the business and get maximum potential customers. Search the web to find out a reputed domain registration company.

Author has 5 years experience in Internet Marketing.Domain search and register doamin name for business based on the type business which makes business more popular in search engine.


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Completes $450 Million Senior

Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Completes $450 Million Senior

Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group Completes $450 Million Senior Secured Credit Facility

TULSA, Okla., Feb. 17, 2012 - Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. (NYSE: DTG) today announced the completion of a new five-year $450 million senior secured credit facility that significantly enhances the Company?s liquidity, as well as its operating and financing flexibility.? The new senior secured credit facility increases the Company?s available revolving credit capacity by approximately $220 million compared to the Company?s previous facility, and extends the maturity date to 2017 from 2013.? In addition to incremental financing capacity available for general corporate purposes or the issuance of letters of credit, the new facility provides the Company with greatly improved flexibility to manage growth initiatives and capital structure initiatives.? In this regard, the new facility provides for restricted payments for the purposes of making share repurchases and / or paying dividends, provides greater flexibility for completion of acquisitions, and permits the incurrence of additional indebtedness by the Company.


?The completion of this new facility marks the final step in restructuring the Company?s financing facilities on more favorable terms while also significantly extending maturity dates.? We greatly appreciate the support of our lending group and are very pleased with the outcome of the credit facility renewal,? said Scott L. Thompson, President and Chief Executive Officer.? ?The Company has a substantial cash position, no corporate leverage, and continues to generate significant operating cash flow.? Those attributes, combined with a senior secured credit facility that provides the Company with increased operational and financial flexibility will allow us to continue in our quest to maximize profitability and shareholder value.?

Pricing under the new senior secured credit facility is grid based with a spread above LIBOR that will range from 300 basis points to 350 basis points, based upon availability under the facility.? Commitment fees under the new facility will equal 50 basis points on unused capacity.? The new facility contains various financial and other covenants, including, among others, limitations on liens, investments, restricted payments and the incurrence of debt, as well as requirements to maintain a minimum interest coverage ratio, minimum Corporate Adjusted EBITDA and a maximum leverage ratio.

About Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc.

Through its Dollar Rent A Car and Thrifty Car Rental brands, the Company has been serving value-conscious leisure and business travelers since 1950.? The Company maintains a strong presence in domestic leisure travel in virtually all of the top U.S. and Canadian airport markets, and also derives a significant portion of its revenue from international travelers to the U.S. under contracts with various international tour operators.? Dollar and Thrifty have approximately 280 corporate locations in the United States and Canada, with approximately 5,900 employees located mainly in North America.? In addition to its corporate operations, the Company maintains global service capabilities through an expansive franchise network of approximately 1,300 franchises in 82 countries.? For additional information, visit or the brand sites at and

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains ?forward-looking statements? about our expectations, plans and performance. These statements use such words as ?may,? ?will,? ?expect,? ?believe,? ?intend,? ?should,? ?could,? ?anticipate,? ?estimate,? ?forecast,? ?project,? ?plan? and similar expressions. These statements do not guarantee future performance and Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. assumes no obligation to update them.? Risks and uncertainties relating to our business that could materially affect our future results include:

? ? constraints on our growth and profitability given the challenges we face
? ? ? in increasing our market share in the key airport and local markets we
? ? ? serve, high barriers to entry in the insurance replacement market,
? ? ? capital and other constraints on expanding company-owned stores
? ? ? internationally and the challenges we would face in further reducing our
? ? ? expenses;
? ? the impact of the continuing volatility in the global financial and
? ? ? credit markets, and concerns about global economic prospects that could
? ? ? materially adversely affect consumer discretionary spending, including
? ? ? for leisure travel on which we are substantially dependent;
? ? the impact of pending and future U.S. governmental action to address
? ? ? budget deficits through reductions in spending and similar austerity
? ? ? measures, which could materially adversely affect unemployment rates and
? ? ? consumer spending levels;
? ? the impact of developments outside the United States, such as the
? ? ? sovereign credit issues in certain countries in the European Union,
? ? ? which could affect the relative volatility of global credit markets
? ? ? generally, and the continuing significant political unrest and other
? ? ? concerns involving certain oil-producing countries, which has
? ? ? contributed to price volatility for petroleum products, and in recent
? ? ? periods higher average gasoline prices, which could affect both broader
? ? ? economic conditions and consumer spending levels;
? ? the impact of pricing and other actions by competitors;
? ? our ability to manage our fleet mix to match demand and meet our target
? ? ? for vehicle depreciation costs, particularly in light of the significant
? ? ? level of risk vehicles (i.e., those vehicles not acquired through a
? ? ? guaranteed residual value program) in our fleet and our exposure to the
? ? ? used vehicle market;
? ? the cost and other terms of acquiring and disposing of automobiles and
? ? ? the impact of conditions in the used vehicle market on our vehicle cost,
? ? ? including the impact on vehicle depreciation costs in 2012 based on
? ? ? pricing volatility in the used vehicle market;
? ? our ability to reduce our fleet capacity as and when projected by our
? ? ? plans;
? ? the strength of the U.S. automotive industry, particularly in light of
? ? ? our dependence on vehicle supply from U.S. automotive manufacturers;
? ? airline travel patterns, including disruptions or reductions in air
? ? ? travel resulting from capacity reductions, pricing actions, severe
? ? ? weather conditions, industry consolidation or other events, particularly
? ? ? given our dependence on leisure travel;
? ? access to reservation distribution channels, particularly as the role of
? ? ? the Internet and mobile applications increases in the marketing and sale
? ? ? of travel-related services;
? ? the effectiveness of actions we take to maintain a low cost structure
? ? ? and to manage liquidity;
? ? the impact of repurchases of our common stock pursuant to our share
? ? ? repurchase program;
? ? our ability to obtain cost-effective financing as needed without unduly
? ? ? restricting our operational flexibility;
? ? our ability to comply with financial covenants, and the impact of those
? ? ? covenants on our operating and financial flexibility;
? ? whether our preliminary expectations about our federal income tax
? ? ? position, after giving effect to the impact of the Tax Relief,
? ? ? Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010, are
? ? ? affected by changes in our expected fleet size or operations or further
? ? ? legislative initiatives relating to taxes in the United States or
? ? ? elsewhere;
? ? our ability to continue to defer the reversal of prior period tax
? ? ? deferrals and the availability of accelerated depreciation payments in
? ? ? future periods, the lack of either of which could result in material
? ? ? cash federal income tax payments in future periods;
? ? the cost of regulatory compliance, costs and other effects of potential
? ? ? future initiatives, including those directed at climate change and its
? ? ? effects, and the costs and outcome of pending litigation;
? ? disruptions in the operation or development of information and
? ? ? communication systems that we rely on, including those relating to
? ? ? methods of payment;
? ? local market conditions where we and our franchisees do business,
? ? ? including whether franchisees will continue to have access to capital as
? ? ? needed; and
? ? the impact of other events that can disrupt consumer travel, such as
? ? ? natural and man-made catastrophes, pandemics, social unrest and actual
? ? ? and perceived threats or acts of terrorism.
Forward-looking statements should be considered in light of information in this press release and other filings we make with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

SOURCE Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc.

Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc.

CONTACT: Financial, H. Clifford Buster III, Chief Financial Officer, +1-918-669-3277, or Investor Relations, Anna Bootenhoff, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications, +1-918-669-2236, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

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Number of visits: 158

Posted on Feb 17, 2012 - 01:09 PM ? Print


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