Question by Jonel B: Obama or Clinton? Read these carefully and give your vote for the best person who can lead us.?
Opposes any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court?s decision in Roe v Wade. Disagreed with Supreme Court ruling to uphold the ?Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act.? Did not cast a vote on Prohibiting Funds for Groups that Perform Abortions amendment in 2007.
Will sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act, which would codify Roe v. Wade into federal law. Would overturn the ?global gag rule,? which prohibits Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) from talking about abortion in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. Voted against the Prohibit Partial Birth Abortion bill in 2003. Did not cast a vote on Prohibiting Funds for Groups that Perform Abortions amendment in 2007. Disagreed with Supreme Court ruling to uphold the ?Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act.?
Would pump $ 75 billion into the economy via tax cuts and direct spending targeted to working families, seniors, homeowners and the unemployed. The plan also includes $ 45 billion in reserves that can be injected into the economy quickly in the future if the economy continues to deteriorate. Would provide an immediate $ 250 tax cut for workers and their families and an immediate, temporary $ 250 bonus to seniors in their Social Security checks. Would provide an additional $ 250 tax cut to workers and an additional $ 250 to seniors if the economy continues to worsen. Would extend and expand unemployment insurance
Would establish a $ 30 billion emergency housing fund to assist states and cities mitigate the effects of mounting foreclosures. Would also include a 90-day moratorium on subprime foreclosures and an automatic rate freeze on subprime mortgages of at least five years. Would provide $ 25 billion in emergency energy assistance for families facing skyrocketing heating bills. Would invest $ 10 billion in extending and broadening unemployment insurance for those who are struggling to find work. Would accelerate $ 5 billion in energy efficiency and alternative energy investments to jump-start green-collar job growth.
Would reform No Child Left Behind, ensuring access to high-quality early childhood education programs and child care opportunities, recruit well-qualified and reward expert, accomplished teachers. Make science and math education a national priority. Reduce the high school dropout rate and empower parents to raise healthy and successful children by taking a greater role in their child?s education at home and at school.
Would end No Child Left Behind. Promote early childhood education, including nurse home visitation programs for new parents, quality child care and Head Start and pre-kindergarten for all 4-year-olds. Improve K-12 system by meeting funding promises of IDEA. Recruit outstanding teachers and principals, especially in urban and rural areas. Cut minority dropout rate in half. Expand early-intervention mentoring programs. Identify at-risk youth early and provide $ 1 billion in intensive interventions. Create a new $ 3,500 college tax credit and increase the maximum Pell Grant.
Would create a national health insurance program for individuals who do not have employer-provided health care and who do not qualify for other existing federal programs. Allows individuals to choose between the new public insurance program or from among private insurance plans that meet certain coverage standards. Requires employers who do not provide health coverage for employees to pay into the national health insurance program. Does not mandate individual coverage for all Americans, but requires coverage for all children. Allows individuals below age 25 to be covered through their parents? plans. Cost estimated between $ 50 billion and $ 65 billion, to be paid for by eliminating Bush tax cuts for those earning over $ 250,000.
Mandates individual health insurance coverage for all Americans. Offers federal subsidies for those who cannot afford it. Allows individuals to choose from among several private plans also offered to members of Congress, as well as a new public insurance plan modeled after Medicare. Requires insurance companies to offer coverage to anyone who applies, and bars insurance companies from charging higher premiums to those with pre-existing conditions. Requires large businesses to provide or help pay for employee coverage. Expands Medicaid and federal children?s health care programs. Offers tax credits to limit health care premiums to a certain percentage a family?s income. Cost estimated at $ 110 billion annually, to be paid for by eliminating the Bush tax cuts for those earning over $ 250,000, as well as by reducing waste and inefficiencies in the current system. Also limits the amount employers can exclude from taxes for health care benefits for those making over $ 250,000
Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation, which would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Voted to authorize construction of a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexican border
Supported Bush-backed immigration reform legislation, which would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Voted to authorize construction of a 700-mile fence along the U.S.-Mexican border.
Opposed use of military force in Iraq. Voted for war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by March 2008. Supports phased redeployment of U.S. troops. Opposed Bush?s plan to send additional troops to Iraq. Had once called for troop withdrawal to begin by the end of 2006
Voted for use of military force in Iraq, but now says she would have voted differently ?if we knew then what we know now.? Supports de-authorizing the war. Voted for war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by March 2008. Opposed Bush plan to increase the number of American troops in Iraq. Supports a phased redeployment
Strongly opposed to privatizing Social Security. Believes that the first place to look for ways to strengthen Social Security is the payroll tax system. Currently, the Social Security payroll tax applies to only the first $ 97,500 a worker earns; Obama supports increasing the maximum amount of earnings covered by Social Security. Would work with Congress to choose a payroll tax reform package that will keep Social Security solvent for at least the next half century.
Opposes all efforts to privatize Social Security. Has stated her plan for Social Security is fiscal responsibility first, and then deal with any long-term challenges. Would support the creation of a bipartisan commission.
i hope this helps you a lot. Good day!
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Answer by Tammy
copy and paste til the cows come home, I?m voting for Obama
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